
Connected Consumer Goods and Experiences

What’s Possible in 2024

Connected Consumer Goods and Experiences

The evolution of products into intelligent, connected devices is radically reshaping CPG companies as they take advantage of new opportunities and innovative strategies to reach consumers. The potential value is enormous: smart products, as they are sometimes called, can collect and transmit data to selling companies providing a host of insights and new strategies and business models for staying competitive.

Check out our new eBook, Connected Consumer Goods and Experiences: What They Mean to Brands in 2024, where we explore this transformation. We uncover the driving forces behind connected products and business models, the implications for brands, and the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.

2024 will bring creative ways to drive growth, redefine shopper experiences, and expand traditional ways of delivering products and services by building brand and retailer growth with new and innovative mixes of services and solutions. Now, brand leaders have a powerful opportunity to create intimate relationships with consumers.

We’ll highlight real-world examples of brands that have successfully made the transition and offer insights into what the future holds. You’ll learn about new business models including:

  • Pay-per-use
  • Bundling
  • Subscriptions and auto-replenishment
  • Personalized services

We also delve into new technologies like virtual reality and digital twins, and how they are being used to enhance both the sales and product development process. All the initiatives and technologies described in this eBook are examples of how CPG companies can get closer to the consumer and to the products they create— it’s a huge opportunity for those companies that embrace it and accelerate their efforts.

Don’t miss it! If you’re ready to talk more about connected products and how you can use them to drive ROI and customer experiences for your company, reach out today.

Download The Free EBook