Women in Technology Virtual Panel
Watch our virtual panel, Advice to My Younger Self, a Women in Technology virtual discussion to hear from inspiring female executives.
Watch the On-Demand WebinarFor the month of February, Hitachi Solutions will be releasing a series of blogs focusing on women in technology and their New Year’s resolutions. Throughout this series, our interviewees will touch on what has brought them balance, helped them overcome insecurities, and contributed to their success. Follow these profiles to receive valuable insights from the women of Hitachi Solutions.
In this fifth article of our Women in Tech Profiles series, we are featuring a Q&A with Terri Bennett, a Client Services Principal at Hitachi Solutions.

To begin, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
I am a CSP in the East Region. I have never been happier in my career or my personal life. I am hoping for lots of wonderful events, outcomes, and people to come into my life in 2021.
Happy New Year! What is your New Year’s Resolution and what advice could you give others to stick to their resolutions?
My New Year’s resolution is to become confident enough that I am bringing my true authentic self to my work and personal life every single day. This is the way that I will bring all my gifts to the table, ideally to make the world a better place.
2020 was a weird year. What is something you are looking forward to in 2021?
In 2021, my oldest child is going to college. Then in 2022, my youngest child will be going to college. I am concentrating on giving them all the tools they need to be successful, along with the knowledge of how to best use those tools.
How did you end up in your current role? Was this what you initially planned?
There is no other way to look at my life — with all its twists and turns — than to say it is all down to faith and fate. I have held many different jobs in my life and been laid off several times. As a single head of household with two daughters to raise, it has not been easy. But I love where I am now and am focusing on contributing the most I can to the company! I am truly grateful!
How do you work through any anxieties or insecurities that may arise?
I pray. I look at the obstacles that I have overcome already. I look at obstacles that others have overcome. I talk to my friends. I cry if I need to. I get mad if I need to. I experience the anxiety and the feelings that go with it. I look at what I am teaching my daughters and how I want to set an excellent example for them. Finally, I give myself a firm talking to, such as, “Buck up girlfriend! You will be fine!”.
Along the same lines, how do you manage a balance between work and personal life without getting overwhelmed?
Sometimes I am overwhelmed. I am. However, I do not ignore that feeling. I experience it, let it overtake me a little, and then when I am done wallowing, I give myself a firm talking to such as, “Get on with your life!” and then do something fun!
What is something valuable you have learned throughout your career that you would like to pass on?
You can overcome the most incredibly difficult circumstances. You can.
Do you have any final words of advice?
The first step to be good with others is to show them empathy. However, learn to show empathy to yourself first. Feel your feelings deeply. They are powerful and will direct you to your highest, most authentic self.
To hear from more inspiring female leaders, watch our virtual panel, Advice to My Younger Self: A Women in Technology Virtual Discussion.