7 Key Principles for Implementing Meaningful Digital Change


7 Principles of Advisory Services

Digital change without adoption is not going to provide the ROI you’re looking for. It’s quite possible to have digital success, but business failure. The reason? Digital change impacts people and how they do their job. In short, it directly impacts the human experience. To learn more on how to manage meaningful digital change, download our eBook now. 

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Competition, customers, and other economic factors continue to drive the need for digital transformation. The most successful initiatives — the ones that achieve expected goals and ROI — include much more than just new technology.

True transformation also requires a strategic vision, business and culture shifts, new ways of operating, and the ability to support and manage the change. Aligning all of these things is called organizational readiness.

If your organization is not ready, it can hinder digital transformation initiatives, making them frustrating and costly.

Are you ready for a change?

This is why, before investing in any type of business transformation, it’s important to understand at the outset if your organization is ready for change. Achieving organizational readiness is usually easier said than done. Making sure your people are on board and prepared with the new direction, processes, and technology is a vital step.

You also need to determine if you are focused on the initiatives that solve high-value business problems and support your strategic goals. Understanding who will be impacted, focusing on the metrics, and constructing roadmaps that include tests and measures along the way will all help to set you up for success.

7 keys to ensuring organizational readiness for digital transformation

So, how do you ensure readiness for digital transformation? Our latest ebook, 7 Key Principles for Implementing and Managing Meaningful Digital Change, details the top ways you can prepare your organization for successful, high-impact digital transformation. Below are some of the highlights:

  1. Engage — Sit down with employees and have honest conversations with them about the change, what it means to them, and what they can expect. Get buy-in often and early.
  2. Understand — Identify the business problems you want to solve through digital transformation. Set priorities based on value to the organization. Establish a comprehensive change strategy and roadmap.
  3. Confirm — Leverage prototypes and pilots so stakeholders can quickly start to see the value and be more invested in the process. They can also help test and tweak to optimize new solutions.
  4. Implement — Embed an advisor, who can be there from the very start, into project delivery to keep things on track and accelerate success. Also, secure “change champions” across the company to bridge cultural gaps and help overcome resistance.
  5. Train — Educate, prepare, and equip users for success with training tailored to their specific departments and needs. This will ease the transition, increase adoption, and enhance the potential of your initiatives.
  6. Measure — Set KPIs and measure performance (organizational, individual, and change management) to maximize ROI and continuous improvement.
  7. Support — Make sure your organization has the necessary skill sets to support your digital solutions post-go-live. This will ensure you stay ahead of issues that might arise and optimize benefits.

Download the complete ebook, 7 Key Principles for Implementing and Managing Meaningful Digital Change, for a more in-depth look at organizational readiness and preparing for successful digital transformation. You’ll learn when you work through these seven key principles of innovation to build alignment and readiness, your return on investment will soar as your implementation takes flight.

Need Expert Guidance?

Understanding change can be daunting. Knowing where to focus and what to prioritize to ensure high-value outcomes isn’t always clear. That’s why the most successful companies leverage a strategic partner to help them with their digital evolution.

Hitachi Solutions’ Advisory Services team shares a passion for technology, innovation, and customer satisfaction, and has been expertly guiding customers through impactful business change for years. Contact us for more information on how we might help you turn your business strategies into digital realities.