Project Management Office (PMO)

Minimizing Risk While Maximizing Project Success

Embedding Structure, Standards, and Driving Predictability

Implementing digital initiatives is complex. And not incorporating governance or best practices paves the way for potential risk, inefficiency, and failure to achieve desired outcomes. This is why leading system integrators like Hitachi Solutions have an embedded capability — called the project management office or PMO — for delivering business transformation projects to customers.

The PMO operates as the governance body, bringing structure, oversight, and strategic alignment to portfolio management — all while never losing sight of customer needs and goals by ensuring they get the most value from their technology investments. PMO presence is proven to have a significant positive impact on project success rates and overall business outcomes.

Center of Excellence for Digital Transformation


of digital transformation projects fail


projects are more successful when project management practices are implemented


more money is saved by organizations that invest in PM practices

Hitachi Solutions has a world-class PMO that supervises every project we undertake. The PMO’s mission is to ensure harmonious alignment between our customer’s business objectives and the project. We achieve this with our robust governance framework, while leveraging our suite of industry-proven methodologies and our proprietary best practices acquired from decades of implementing successful solutions. This allows our team to consistently deliver projects that foster transparency, efficiency, and accountability and result in:

  • Maximized project success
  • Minimized risks and issues
  • Increased quality, speed, and predictability
  • Improved value, outcomes, and ROI
  • Stronger customer relationships and enhanced satisfaction

PMO Services

By offering meticulous oversight to all your projects, the PMO significantly increases the potential for success. Our PMO services include:

Our vision is to be a trusted advisor and partner that provides industry best practices and risk level governance to ensure successful project, program, and portfolio execution. We strive to leverage re-usable knowledge and intellectual property to promote quality and predictability and minimize risks and issues and prove that we are a solutions-based business focused on customer satisfaction and return on investment.

Kevin Litzenberger
Senior Vice President and General Manager of Delivery

Our Approach

What Sets Us Apart

Our PMO is tailored to perform a hybrid approach of best practices and to provide a blend of directive and supportive PMO governance for our customer project portfolio. Our team of professionals is PMP® and CB-PMO® certified, empowering us to provide strong strategic governance and establish visibility, communications, and collaboration across all teams. This ensures proactive and preventive risk management and delivery of consistent, high-quality services.

Hitachi Solutions has been implementing data and business system modernization solutions for two decades and bring that experience to every project. We are 100 percent dedicated to the entire Microsoft platform and have deep technical and industry experience. This uniquely qualifies us to support your projects end-to-end, driving innovation, increasing efficiency, and unlocking value for your business.

We’re Here to Help

To learn more about how Hitachi Solutions PMO adds value and can help your projects succeed, contact us today.

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