Honored or Irritated. Which Stance to Take?

Today’s scammer is simply NOT nice.

As a leading global cloud-services systems integrator who specializes in Microsoft business applications and technologies, Hitachi Solutions has nearly two decades of experience delivering end-to-end business transformation through advisory services, industry and technology expertise, and implementation excellence. We also have a long heritage of helping our customers achieve their data and business system modernization initiatives and delivering outcome-based value.

Even with such strong technology credentials, we were used in a scam! Are we honored? Or irritated? Let me share the story. Lots of information can easily be discovered on the internet today. Anyone can find:

  • Hitachi Solutions is a global company.
  • We are 100% dedicated to delivering Microsoft solutions and technologies.
  • We do actively recruit talented individuals to join our team:
    • High-potential candidates that are early in their career.
    • Mid-career professionals who are looking to pivot their career trajectory and build out their skills in technology and consulting.
    • Skilled and experienced business applications and technology individuals who want to join a team focused on developing customer relationships…for life.
  • As a professional services organization, our people are the strength of our company.

Unfortunately, with information about the company so easily available, we have learned the hard way that it is pretty darn easy for a scammer to emulate a Hitachi Solutions employee. On one hand, we could be honored that a scammer recognizes the windfall potential by pretending to be us. On the other hand, it is irritating to learn that excited job seekers, who are genuinely pursuing an opportunity to work with a company like ours, have become victims of a scam.

A few more facts — Hitachi Solutions DOES NOT ever:

  • Perform candidate screenings over text.
  • Use “interview” authentication codes.
  • Make offers of employment accompanied by an equipment reimbursement policy to cover a candidate’s purchase of their new equipment (which they are required to purchase through a fictitious acquisition site prior to their first day of employment).

All this seems pretty obvious, right? And perhaps as you read, you could be thinking how could anyone be fooled? How? Because today’s scammer is sophisticated and has the potential to appear close to the real thing. A new job is a pivotal event in an individual’s life. There are emotions involved and with so much going on, as we have seen, a candidate can be distracted just enough that they may not notice the signs.

According to Forrester, the cybersecurity landscape is undergoing a period of rapid change. The launch of generative AI tools, the rise of geopolitical threats, and increased cloud complexity are changing the way security teams defend the emerging threats they face. Simultaneously, known security challenges like ransomware and social engineering continue to plague organizations. (Read the report, Top Cybersecurity Threats in 2023)

Scammers are increasingly using artificial intelligence (AI) to perpetrate their fraudulent activities. Here are some ways scammers are using AI:

  • Phishing attacks: Scammers use AI to create convincing phishing emails that mimic the look and feel of legitimate emails. AI can help scammers personalize their messages and create convincing subject lines that make the recipient more likely to open the email.
  • Social engineering: AI can be used to create fake social media profiles that appear to be genuine. Scammers can use these profiles to send messages to potential victims and build a relationship with them over time. Once the victim’s trust has been gained, the scammer can use social engineering tactics to extract money or sensitive information.
  • Fraudulent websites: Scammers use AI to create convincing replicas of legitimate websites. These websites can be used to phish for login credentials, credit card details, and other sensitive information.
  • Voice phishing: Scammers use AI-powered voice generators to impersonate someone’s voice, such as a bank representative or government official, to trick victims into giving up sensitive information.
  • Investment scams: Scammers use AI to create sophisticated investment scams that are difficult to detect. By analyzing online activity and social media profiles, scammers can identify potential victims and create customized investment offers that are tailored to their interests.

Overall, scammers are using AI to make their fraudulent activities more convincing and effective. It is important to be vigilant and take steps to protect yourself. Be cautious when opening emails or messages from unknown sources and always verify the legitimacy of websites before entering any personal information.

Whether you are job seeking or just surfing the internet, paying attention to red flags and giving credence to your little niggles of concern is important! If you are looking for your next career adventure, Hitachi Solutions IS seeking the right individuals for various positions. Visit Careers – Hitachi Solutions to learn more. AND quick tip: You know you are authentically communicating with us when it is via email with an @hitachisolutions.com address!