Hitachi Solutions Empower Data Platform: The Cure for Data & Analytics Challenges

Conquer the Challenges of Healthcare Data with a Fully Managed Data Platform

The New Role of Data in Healthcare

As the world rapidly shifts into a digitalized realm, the healthcare industry is also on the cusp of transformation as the industry embraces the potential of automation, AI, and data and analytics to revolutionize the way medical services and patient care are delivered, received, and assessed.

To meet the potential of modern healthcare data management, we created a streamlined method of rapidly centralizing your data sources in a matter of days onto a single cloud platform called the Empower Data Platform. We wrangle your varied data – supporting more than 200 sources – including healthcare applications Epic and Oracle Cerner that support the HL7 FHIR data standard onto the Empower Data Platform. From there your data can be used to manifest intelligence your teams utilize to improve patient care, reduce operational expenses, enhance security and privacy, and meet the demanding data challenges of the healthcare industry.

A Platform for Better Healthcare

Empower Data Platform simplifies the process of harnessing vast amounts of data, giving healthcare organizations a central source of truth to leverage crucial insights, streamline operations, and enhance the quality of patient care.

Care Management – Leverage analytics to enhance care management, optimize resource allocation, improve patient engagement, satisfaction, and experience, and support informed clinical decisions and accurate diagnoses.

Operational Efficiency – Utilize analytics for bed optimization, patient flow improvement, identification of bottlenecks and inefficiencies in processes, and meeting regulatory requirements related to compliance, quality, and safety.

Costs – Analyze patient outcomes and financial metrics to reduce medical errors, excessive tests/procedures, and costs, improve financial performance, and predict and prevent fraud through proactive measures.


Savings in costs


Improvement in patient care due to data & analytics


Healthcare providers investing in advanced analytics

How a Fully Managed Data Estate Makes Life Easier for Healthcare Providers

Reduced operational costs: Automating data ingestion, processing, and analysis can lower manual intervention, save resources, and reduce the cost associated with data management. This allows healthcare organizations to allocate resources more efficiently and strategically.

Enhanced data security and privacy: Empower prioritizes security and privacy, ensuring that sensitive patient data is compliant with relevant regulations and remains secure against breaches or unauthorized access.

Improved interdepartmental collaboration: A centralized data platform allows different departments within healthcare providers to seamlessly share and access data, fostering better communication and collaboration between specialists, clinicians, nurses, and administrative staff.

Scalability and flexibility: A fully managed solution like the Empower Data Platform can accommodate ever-growing data sets, ensuring that healthcare providers can scale their data management infrastructure as their needs evolve – but never have to manage it themselves.

Enhanced regulatory compliance: An advanced data management platform can help healthcare providers ensure they are meeting the strict requirements of industry regulations, such as HIPAA and other local laws concerning data protection.

The Kind of Insights You Can Achieve

With a central access point to all your data streams, you’ll get easy access to insights on:

  • Gaps in Care – Engage your patients, know skipped annual screenings, ignored check-ups and wellness visits, missed vaccinations for children, failures to follow up on recommended tests and appointments, and more.
  • Patient Risk – With insights to discover high-risk patients and identify which groups are highest at risk for developing medical conditions and illnesses.
  • Quality Improvements – Use analytics to monitor and benchmark performance against quality measures like HEDIS and CAPHS to gain insights on where you are doing well or need improvement.

“Hitachi Solutions has been working with Microsoft to accelerate innovation and the adoption of data and AI solutions across healthcare organizations. With healthcare data solutions in Microsoft Fabric and Hitachi Solutions’ healthcare and data expertise, customers can jumpstart their data and analytics journey and prepare for the new wave of AI capabilities.”

Umesh Rustogi
General Manager, Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare

See How We Can Help

Learn more about how the Empower Data Platform, the tech behind it, and how we’re driving data modernization for Healthcare Providers.

woman at laptop

Try Empower Today

To help you see how Empower creates value and adds velocity to your key business functions, we created a limited-time offer that is risk- and commitment-free. You can evaluate Empower for three months to validate the improved performance and reduced costs, and if at the end of the trial you’re not convinced, we’ll remove the installation with no further obligation.

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